Beach Walks and Following Impulses

I’ve been spending some time following impulses without having any plans or desires for particular outcomes.

It’s such an important part of the creative process, and so easy to forget, or not make time for it, trained as we are to ‘be productive’.

I’m percolating a new collection, and the time I spend playing may or may not feed into that, but the point is just to explore and allow whatever wants to come through to come through - a kind of clearing of the decks.

small paintings on paper on the art studio table

These circular paintings were inspired by a shell I found on the beach this morning - when I held it up to the sun it glowed.

glowing shell held up to the sun

I painted around this piece of seaweed as it lay on the paper to see what it would look like painting just the negative space.

seaweed, paint, brushes and paper on the art studio table
In the StudioTara Leaver