Featured in Coast Magazine!

Coast Magazine feature with Tara Leaver, Artist

Coast has been one of my favourite magazines for as long as I can remember.

Unsurprising, really, given its subject. 😊🌊

So it was a huge delight to be interviewed for a feature in the March 2022 edtion! {Which has come out in January.}

I had a lovely phone call interview back in November 2021 with writer Caroline Wheater, who asked me all sorts of great questions about my life before and since Cornwall, my work, and the swimming.

Honestly this feels like a milestone in my life and work as an artist. Talking with Caroline showed me how far I’ve come from my days of debilitating depression and not knowing who I was or what I wanted to do, or who I could be.

The article spans six pages, which I was not expecting, and is so well laid out and presented. I’m completely thrilled to be part of a magazine that’s been such a big part of my life!

Inspired by the Coast_Coast Magazine January 2022
PressTara Leaver