A Relaxed Guide to Collecting Art

A relaxed guide to collecting art

There are a lot of myths and supposed ‘rules’ floating around about what it means to be an art collector.

It can conjure up images of extreme wealth and investing in paintings by famous artists for their future value, or for the perceived extravagance and good taste.

The truth is, anyone can be an art collector, whether you own a couple of prints or your house is full of expensive original artworks.

There are plenty of rules too about how and where to display your art collection.

As both an artist and art collector myself, I don’t really bother with all that. :)

I’ve put together a free ebook I’ve called ‘A Relaxed Guide to Collecting Art’, to offer ideas and perspectives on becoming an art collector that take the rules off and allow you to find your own way.

In it I share my thoughts on why collecting art is a Good Idea {only slightly biased!}, approaches to purchasing art, and ways you can display it in your home without having to get the measuring tape out.

It’s my thank you gift to you when you sign up to receive Studio Notes.