Protecting artworks from fading

Art studio corner | Tara Leaver

One of my favourite things about the studio is that it’s south facing, which means lots of lovely sunshine {when we’re not having torrential rain and gale force winds that is. #englishweather}.

There are of course downsides to this, like the fact that it becomes a sauna in no time, and the problem with flies {which I’m in the process of resolving, because I need to work alone ;)}.

In terms of the art though, leaving artwork for long periods in direct sunlight can cause it to fade over time, even when it’s made with high quality materials.

Here on my ‘works in progress wall’ next to the Pondering Chair, the glare of the sun can be strong. I’ll be investing in some UV film for the glass and some lightweight fabric panels soon, and in the meantime the paintings don’t stay there long enough to become faded.

You can get UV glass for framing, but my paintings are on wood panel and canvas, so I don’t use glass. There tends to also be a slight compromising of the clarity of the work when it’s behind UV glass, but if you want to keep work in a very sunny place it’s a good idea.

It’s just something to bear in mind when you hang cherished artworks, and to hang them away from direct sunlight if possible.

In the StudioTara Leaver